Serves 1  INGREDIENTS 1/2  cup oats 3/4 cup almond milk or a milk of your choice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons of vanilla or chocolate protein powder 1 teaspoon Honey 1/2 cup berries (fresh or frozen) tablespoon Coconut Flakes, toasted METHOD In a small bowl...
Buttermilk Pikelets

Buttermilk Pikelets

Makes: 24-28  
| Serves: 10+ People
 Ingredients 2 cups self raising flour ¼ cup caster sugar ¼ teaspoon bicarb soda 1.5 cups buttermilk 2 eggs 2 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoon butter (heated in pan) Method Place all wet ingredients into the KitchenAid K400 blender,...

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